Phone Sex Line is for Swapping Dirty Stories, Getting High and Jacking Off

phone sex lineMy phone sex line is a party line.  As the holidays approach, there are more party guys who come out looking for some nasty fun. I am a druggy whore. My drug of choice is cocaine. I am old-school. I grew up in the 70s and 80s when cocaine was in fashion. My mother always did a few lines before she started hooking in our trailer when my father would go away. My mom hid her coke well because neither me nor my father found it. I partied with school friends though. We would do pot, drink and on weekends at someone’s else, we would snort coke like our parents did. Coke helps me do all the nasty shit and talk about all the taboo phonesex things I have done. Coke is like a truth serum. You want to find out all the kinky things that go on in a woman’s mind? Or the kinky things she has done? You need to party with her.

I was talking to a trucker on the phone last night. He was older than me, which rarely happens. Most of my callers are younger than me. But this guy has traveled the world and seen and done a lot of things. Many illegal, yet hot things. He is a coke head too, just like me. We did lines of coke and traded nasty stories. I was masturbating the entire time as he told me about being in a truck stop in Georgie once and a man approached him about a very young prostitute. He had always fantasized about teen sluts fucking him, but this girl was even younger than his fantasies. He had the cash, so he went for it. She was no doubt a trafficked girl, but he wanted a young piece of pussy so badly, that he went for it. I rubbed my shaved cunt as he told me how tight her little cunt and ass were.

The holidays are almost here fellows. Break out the cocaine and let’s get fucked up and share nasty stories together.

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