Gangbang Whore

gangbang whore Everyone already knows that I am the gangbang whore of the school. That’s why I get invited to every fucking party. I am the school slut and I fucking love cock, I’ll take cock any way I can fucking get it and that’s exactly what happened last night. I was at this huge party with mostly hot sexy ass men, honestly if anyone of them offered their dick to me I would get on my knees and suck their cock so fucking good. Thank god I met a guy while we were dancing who wanted to fuck me. I could feel his hard on through my fucking skirt and I was so fucking glad I didn’t wear panties. He didn’t hesitate to bend me over and shove his cock into my pussy right in front of everyone. I didn’t care though as long as I got my daily dose of dick I was happy. Next thing I know is I have a cock in each one of my hands, one in my mouth choking me and a huge fucking cock in my pussy. I feel like I’m in fucking heaven with this many cocks coming inside of me.

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