Gang Bang Whore

gangbangI have had many nick names in the past, three hole whore, Black hoe flo, Flo the hoe, But my absolute favorite is gang bang whore.  I don’t know why its my favorite nick name but it is.  Nothing like the feeling of having all three of your holes filled at once.  My cunt ass and stomach being filled with different men’s cum.  Having the cum drip out of me as I walk, cough,  Feeling my thighs get all stick with cum. The best is when they not only cum in all three of my holes but also shoot their cum all over my body .  I love the feeling of dried cum on me so much I leave the cum there all day along.  The dried feeling of cum on my skin is such a turn on.  Makes me so wet just thinking about it that I gonna go out and find me some cock right now.

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