Furry friends phone sex

furry friends phone sex

Everyone needs a good fucking from time to time, even furry little four legged friends. I was at my friends house waiting for her to get home. She told me to let myself in and take care of her furry friend. I agreed and when I saw him, he had a huge dripping red cock that was begging to be fucked. He came up to me and started humping me. Feeling his warm hot seven inch cock slide up and down against me made my pussy so soaking wet.

I got on the floor next to him and spread my thighs wide open, taking my panties off. He started sniffing and licking at my wet hot cunt. He was getting more turned on by the minute humping the air. I tapped on my chest inviting him to lick my erected nipples. Once he was wedged up in between my legs him red dick slipped right inside my pussy hole. I could feel it wiggling all around in my pussy hole.

I took that cock thrusting deep and hard into me. He was ready to cum since I felt that cock twitching inside of me. He squirted all his juice inside of me. He kept humping making sure every last bit of his sticky jizz was buried in me.

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