Fisting Whore Prostitute Foster Daughter

I have mentioned how I often find myself fostering some crack whores offspring. It’s common as I am essentially the mama of the strip club I’ve danced at for decades. I help the young girls out and it’s far too often many turn to crack and become addicts. Some get knocked up and continue their habit and having addicted offspring. Some are young mothers turning to stripping to make ends meet and other’s go straight into hooking and come dance to try getting away from that. It’s a circle. I am there always assisting. I will often be stuck with a couple young teens that need a home and guidance. I have to make ends meet as well. I have no shame playing pimp. This newest Foster daughter was a real handful and started stealing fro the club and from me. The only thing I could do is make her pay it all back. This is what happens when you steal from the Queen of this trailer park. Megan got just what she deserved. Doesn’t she look fabulous?

Fisting whore

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