Few Lot Lizard Sex Whores Can Compete with Me

lot lizard sexLot lizard sex whores cannot compete with me when I go down to the truck stop. And I think that’s because I like to keep myself looking good. Plus, I am not a crack or meth or smack whore. Weed and blow. Those are my only drugs of choice. Unless you consider black cock a drug of choice, LOL. It is my main addiction. Most of the truckers I fuck avoid those skanky other lot lizards like the plague. The white truckers can have them. And the black truckers can have me.

I spent New Year’s Day at the truck stop. Honestly, I did not know if any truckers would even be there with it being a holiday. Christmas turned out to be dead down there. But lucky for this bbc phone sex whore, the truck stop appeared popping. I walked by some strung out, scabbed up looking skanks. Although I am not one to judge, but why would a trucker want the Spam of the lot lizards when he could have the caviar of the truck stop whores.

I am Always Up for a Challenge When it Comes to Big Black Cocks

The strung-out skanks gave me a dirty look as I went up and down the truck bays looking for some black truckers. And I found lots of new guys. Some young truckers just starting out and some older men too. The first black trucker to approach me asked me how much for a blowjob. And I laughed. He clearly did not know who I was because I never take cash from the black truck drivers. Black men never need to pay for sex. I told him I fuck for free, but if he wanted to share some weed or coke with me, I would not say no to that.

Fuck, I am glad that young black trucker flagged me down. Huge black cock. Over a foot long. And very thick too. I found him a challenge to get in any of my holes. But I never give up. I like a challenge. And he seemed impressed that I could do what I did. He told me no white woman as thin as me could even get a quarter of his dick in her mouth or cunt. Now, I did not try to take him in my ass. Even an anal sex whore knows her limits! But I did get him up my cunt almost balls deep.

He hit spots that not many have found before. I squirted everywhere. When I left, I felt my legs go wobbly. That is a sign of a good fucking. Hopefully, our paths cross again.

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