Ellen’s booze cruise turns her into a cum slut!

Drunk phone sex

Whore’s night out means my bitches and I will be bouncing around town to all the bars. We want to see how many drinks we can get for free or how many cocks we can get with our drinks. My girl brought some weak ass shit.. well at first I thought her little spotted blue pills were weak as fuck.. I am waking up with dry cum all over my body.. The only way I know I did some nasty shit is from my phone!

Druggy phone sex

Looking through these fucking pictures.. Seeing my girls holding my legs wide open as a big black cock pounds my cunt and I am screaming for him to fuck me with his big thick nigger dick. My pussy drips as I watch myself taking that big nigger dick in my dirty whore cunt! I need more of those fucking pills my girl had… Maybe I can eat her pussy till she squirts for just a few more..

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