Drunk Girl Fucking Cock

drunk girl fucking

          Drunk girl fucking cock should have been my new slogan because I had no idea how the fuck I got I was shaking like a fucking leaf! I was tweaking and my head hurt for days! I don’t know how I got to this fucking hotel room! I was following the high of a lifetime after a fight that was all a haze! I was trying to pay attention to the asshole who was fucking me in the ass and mouths but I was high so who cares what the fuck he was talking about!  My stomach was empty and I had to puke in the worse way !  The only thing I could remember last night was the liquor and meth I don’t know what the hell else happened or why I woke up this morning with two fucking bitches in my asshole! I was still feeling the pressure of cock in me and I wasn’t strong enough to move these motherfuckers either!

          I tried  to tilt them to the side but these assholes were deeply stuffed and there was no way I was going to be able to get up! Like I said I was high I could care less and as my head hit the pillow I think I do remember something from last night! My step dad or uncle whatever the hell you want to call this asshole was one of the bitches stuck in my ass right now! I am sure he would wake up to tell me whats going on! No matter what happened I was fucked for days and that hazy feeling I wanted to last so I thought I had better get cracking again on scrounging up some money . Come on I am hurting real bad give me something!

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