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druggy porn


Being a naughty kinky bitch like myself- I will do anything for a good time. I wanted to start the week off right and me and my friend planned to do so! We were at the mall when some guys stopped us and asked if we wanted to be in a movie.

Fuck yeah we are down to be in a movie, but what is our compensation? He pulled us to the side where he showed us how he would pay us. A big bag of white powder was calling our name. We followed him to his place where the movie is going to be shot.

He set up a camera and a tripod and told us he was going to make us stars. He got naked and then told us not to be shy.

He offered us some goodies to make us relaxed. I snorted it through my nostrils and felt an instance rush and burn. I was ready to have some fun. We got on his bed and began having a kinky three some. She sucked there and I bit here.

We were showing off for the camera. I rode his cock as she sat on his face and grinded her hips and pussy lips back and forth on his face. We were going to be stars! We are actually not bad at this.

His cock was so far up my cunt, I couldn’t help but squirt on camera all down his cock and balls!


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