Druggy phone sex slut Quinn

druggy phone sex

Druggy phone sex whores are known for being the most nasty and naughty creatures ever and I am no exception! My name is Quinn but I don’t care if you remember it. I’m only after your hard cock and your creamy load. I’ve been a gutter slut, cum hole since before I could walk. My mama was a druggy slut that did what she had to do to get her fix, including selling off my tiny pussy and ass. She passed me around all of the trap houses in town and let all the dealers and junkies use me like a little cum rag, fuck toy. I spent every night rubbing my little, sore cunnie until I passed out. I learned to love the feeling of all that gooey cream dripping out. Even when my tiny pussy was all puffy, swollen and aching from taking so many huge cocks. I can’t remember a time that I didn’t have a grown man waking me up in the middle of the night to shove his big dick in me. Mama had to do something so that I could keep up with all the men she was selling me to. She’s the one that turned me into the junkie whore that I am now. I didn’t go to school like the other girls my age. I was on the streets with my mama, sucking off Johns and swallowing loads! I got a really early start on life and became a raging junkie slut before my little pussy even had hair on it. You’re guaranteed to have a freaky time with me! Grab your stiff dick and start jerking while you tell me what you want to do to this filthy cum canyon of a cunt! My legs are wide open and I have my big, thick dildo deep in my juicy, filthy fuck hole! If you’re partying then I’m partying harder! Let’s get nasty tonight!

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