Black Men Love Blonde Fucking Whores

blonde fuckingBlack men love blonde fucking whores like me. I think they like the contrast of their dark skin against our fair bodies. I just like that dark meat inside my white meat. It feels amazing to get stretched and filled in both my holes. I am black cock whore. I am the only slut in town who can handle the kind of stuffing that Big D gives. He has a 13-inch black cock. His wife cannot handle all his cock, so every time he drives through town, he stops off to see his favorite blonde whore. Blondes on blacks is a fetish. Guys love to watch blondes getting ripped apart by big black dicks. Times are tough so Big D suggested we make a little video, and he would upload it to this site who knows about. Make us some Christmas money he said. He was worried I might be concerned about being naked on the Internet. I laughed because this trailer trash whore is naked all over the Internet currently. He set up his iPad to film us and we made a hot little BBC porn. I moaned and screamed more than usual to give the illusion of pain. Folks pay more if they think the chick is being ripped apart, he said. I think guys live vicariously through big black dicks. They imagine having a big black cock that can punish a pussy because their little white dicks could not punish a Barbie doll’s pussy. White men are obsessed with black on blonde porn. I guess they have a bad case of penis envy, LOL. Big D put up the video of us fucking and the money was coming in almost immediately. He said he will share the profits with me since I am the one taking the beating. My pussy has been taking a beating from his cock for a decade now. Wish I knew sooner I could make money from being a bbc whore.

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