BBC Phone Sex and a Sloppy wet pussy of Trashy Stripper BJ

BBC phone sex is where some druggy fun starts. Also where some Sloppy wet pussy is sure to be a feast for a good pervert like you. When your high and horny it takes filth to make your cock throb, doesn’t it cuckolded cum eater?

Last night I was out getting so damned fucking high smoking crack. My dealer had a few of his bull niggers over for some partying. Of course I was the lucky cock whore that got to take all five of these big bull niggers on.

Evidently this was a bit of a set up. My Birthday is today and my trashed out fuck holes got an early gift. In fact my whole body did! I was fed so much adult candy. That is I got high on some crack rock. Snorted lines of cocaine. And I even got to shoot up a little H.

Not only did I get so fucking messed up out of my brain with drugging. But I also got my holes completely messed up. By the time I made it home so I could work, I was oozing with jizz.

This sloppy wet pussy was stuffed with BBC phone sex goo

Fortunately, my son was home and so was my husband. And why do I say fortunately? Well obviously because they are both a couple of cucked out little cum eaters. In fact they were hungry for what Mama BJ had to feed them.

As you can imagine my husband, who is more often away with business was eager to see his hot stripper wife. Obviously we have our own little deal worked out. You see, I was a stripper prostitute when we met.

Alas the only way I would Marry anyone is if they were a good provider financially. In addition to financial stability I required complete freedom to be me. And with this contract my life is quite perfect as a taken care of trashy druggy stripper for BBC.

BBC phone sex

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