My Taboo Phonesex Line

Taboo phonesexI can get dick pretty much any time I want. A guy isn’t going to tell his stripper not to suck or fuck his cock if she’s willing to do it, and a trucker doesn’t turn away an eager lot lizard either. I know enough drug dealers more than willing to let me pay for my goodies with my holes, however there is something I can’t get whenever I want. And that is the pleasure of enjoying the really fucked up taboo shit. Which is why I love having my own taboo phonesex line so I can connect with other like minded dirty fucks who love to push the limits. To completely release the norms of real life and embrace our dark deviant sides. If we want to talk about pimping little pussys, or snuffing out some druggy ho, or even my druggy ho ass we can. No one can cock block my naughty phonesex line, but they can cum and enjoy themselves with me.

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