Water Sports Sex With Amara

Water Sports Sex

Mommy Amara loves water sports sex, especially when it’s with my young ones. We love to find ourselves a tinkle drinking Daddy who can handle my sweet girl’s full bladder. She’s been doing the pee pee dance in line at the truck stop. The line is long, and her tiny hands are clamped over her crotch, trying to keep a single drop from spilling out of her pussy. She’s squirming because it hurts her, and Mommy is sitting back and masturbating my pussy openly. The men stare at me with my cunt in the air, and then at my daughter who is wiggling around like the unwilling toilet sex toy she is.

When she sees me playing with my wet mommy pussy, my girl whines! The sounds of the toilets flushing is making her have to go pee pee so badly, but I love watching her in omorashi pissing desperation mode! Finally she leaves the line and runs over to me, begging. “Mommy please I need to go right now, please! I can’t hold it any longer!” Just then, the line moved and she could have gone piss right in the bathroom. When I didn’t respond, she ran up to a man and begged him to lay on the floor so she could piss in his mouth, but he said only if she could act out his scat phone sex fantasy too!


TOilet Sex

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