Water Sports Sex For World Environment Day

Water Sports Sex

It’s World Environment Day which, as you damn well know, means I’m up to do my absolute best in conserving the planet. How am I doing that today? Water Sports Sex! I may as well repurpose my piss and cut down on that flush of the toilet, right? I can get a hot little John to be my toilet. I love piss play, and so do some of my best clients out on the lot.

Honestly it’s sort of a secret fetish of mine that I’ve just never taken the time to properly explore. I’m glad I have you here with me. Let’s party it up a little, if you’ve a mind for a drug fueled fuck session with some delicious potty play all over your sexy little face. Lay down on the bed, and I’ll climb right on top.

You know the carpet matches the curtains, and I’m a hot little fire crotch ready to grind all over your hungry mouth. Instead of relieving my oh so full bladder into the piss pot where I’d flush it down and waste water, I’m going to let the river flow out into your mouth instead. You said you were thirsty, sweetheart. Though I know it makes you just as hard for me to stand over top of you and give you a true, well aimed steamy golden shower.

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