Trashy MILF Blackmail

trashy milfThis trashy milf had to go to school yesterday to get her daughter out of trouble. She got caught with drugs in her locker. It was just a joint. A joint I gave her. She had an exam. She gets anxiety with tests. A drug sniffing dog went to her locker and the joint was found. In comparison to what was found in other lockers, her little joint was nothing. Schools have these silly zero tolerance policies for drugs and violence. I didn’t want her expelled or forced into home schooling. I know the principal of the school personally. He has a certain fetish for young boys that would ruin his career in public schools if it got out. I don’t think he knew I had a daughter in his school when he paid for my son’s young hairless cock. He looked like he saw a ghost when he saw me coming towards his office. I think he thought I was there to expose him as a P principal. I would have if he didn’t figure a way out of my daughter’s troubles. When you could lose your job, family and spend many years in prison, you get creative. He got my daughter out of trouble with the school police. As a reward, and assurance that if she was to get in trouble again in the future, he would get her out of trouble quickly, I had him over to play with my boys. A free play date. He has a weakness for young cock. He likes them before they grow hair. I filmed him blowing my youngest boy’s cock while my middle boy’s dick was up his ass. My daughter is going to get into trouble again. I have no doubt about that. She is a party whore like her mother. I know a lot of peoples’ dirty little secrets. Knowledge comes in handy when you need a favour.

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