Trailer Trash Whore Holes can be Contagious

Trailer trash whore


To all of you pussy lip sucking pervs who pay to have a trailer trash whore sit on your faces, more power to you!  I get it, eating pussy really turns me on, too.  Munching on a meaty muff and slurping down all of that slit slime is hot as hell, but you never know what one of my hot little teen hookers might’ve picked up from one of you twat licking and sticking tricks.  Pretty brave of you, s’all I’m sayin’.

How many men do you think these sluts slay on a daily basis?  On a good day, one of my trailer park prostitutes will take on ten to fifteen johns, no problem.  Of course, there’s a creampie option for all of you freaky fucks.  You don’t really believe that none of those horny bareback whore humpers have any sort of crotch crud to pass on to an unprotected pussy, do you?  Get real.  Guys don’t care if they give my girls gonorrhea or herpes or whatever else might be infesting their johnsons.  They just want to juice up a teen whore’s tight little fuckhole with a chunky white load, they don’t give a shit if it comes with an impending visit to the free clinic.

Ever get crabs?  Could you imagine having them all over your face?  Bedbugs and cockroaches aren’t the only pests that infest these mobile homes.  Good luck finding a trailer in the court that’s completely free of pubic lice.  How about herpes?  You get cold sores?  Imagine having genital herpes that spread all over your lips, cheeks and chin.  That shit never goes away, just hides for a while before popping up at the most inconvenient time to ruin your life for a few weeks.  Forever.  Until you die.  I hope eating a trick turning teen sluts fucking foamy ass Petri dish of a pussy is worth it to you.  When some crazy, AIDS ridden super syphilis rots your brain because you’ve been paying a trailer court courtesan to cover your head with her extremely contagious cunt cream on a constant basis, don’t say I didn’t warn you.


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