Trailer Trash Whore Beverly Spent Friday Night Fucking Young Guys

trailer trash whoreAlthough this trailer trash whore prefers big black cocks, I enjoy young white boy cock too. I rarely fuck white men my age. However, a young lad just starting his horny years, might be my kryptonite. And it all began with my son. Once I realized he had a budding cock, I decided to teach him about the birds and the bees from home. And I did. Now, he is a great lover who can last and give back to his partner. So are most of his friends.

The way I see it, I am just helping young men become great lovers. And I do not care what anyone says, every woman appreciates a good cunt licker and a lover who can last more than 3 minutes. On Friday nights, I usually go to the truck stop to party with a black guy who can stuff my sloppy wet pussy. But a thunderstorm kept me home.

This Old Broad Loves To Party with Her Son and His Friends

When my son texted me, I suggested he hang out with me. He agreed. But when he came over, he brought some friends. And when they all attended high school, I fucked them too. So, this felt like a reunion orgy. Me, my son and the friends I turned into men came over to party with me. We did lines of coke and shots. But the shots were on my belly. Back in the day when I bar hopped in my 20s, belly shots seemed popular. So, it brought back memories of my bar fly days.

After an hour or so partying, cocks came out. And if I have a choice between cock and coke, I usually go for the cock first. I do not need coke to fuck or suck, but it does enhance both. I did a line off each cock, and then let them gang bang this trashy milf. They pumped me full of cum. And they gave me many loads throughout the night. I woke up hung over, covered in cum and ready to party and fuck some more.

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