Trailer Trash Whore Bathtime

Trailer trash whoreHer friends spent the night last night, but being a school night, we did not get to play. So, once they had all left for school, mommy had some fun by herself in the bathtub. I ran the tub just a tad hotter than I could stand and eased my naked body down into it. I wasted no time pretending with soap, but started the jets, and twisted myself around so that one was consistently shooting over my pussy. Then, I eased my biggest dildo into myself, and proceeded to fuck myself senseless while that jet shot over my clit incessantly. It did not take long for me to cum, but the thoughts of those young, sweet bodies had me feverish for more, and I could not stop. I worked myself to 2 more amazing orgasms before I bothered to wash up. I can not wait until this weekend, because we are having a girls’ campout in the backyard. 😉

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