Teen Sluts Fucking or Teen Sluts Punished

teen sluts fuckingI have a bunch of teen sluts fucking in my house. My sons and daughters fuck me and daddy, their siblings and many older men. My little whores are often good little slaves for whomever wants them. Once in a blue moon, however, I get a disobedient girl who needs a spanking. My sweet cunt licker Melissa was doing so well, but I found out she has been saying no to woman she doesn’t find attractive. She is a whore. If she wants to keep living under this roof and have nice things, she fucks any woman with money. I am her pimp. I have received several complaints from local lesbians that she only wants to play with lipstick lesbians. I had to have a come to Jesus moment with her. I won’t have her insulting clients. A bull dyke’s money is just as welcome as a lipstick lesbian’s money. A good whore makes everyone feel like a king, well in this situation, a queen. She is not too old for mommy to punish. I tossed her over my knees and administered some bare bottom spankings. She was squirming and screaming for mercy before I stopped. Her ass was bright red. The punishment was not over, however. I made her service some disgruntled lesbians for free. She spent hours licking hairy cunts and dirty asses. Now, she knows that money talks. Any paying client, regardless of looks, gets the same service. My sexy prostitutes can’t pick and choose who they fuck. Money is money and they need to make all they can if want to live under our roof.

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