Swim Team Slut

Water sports sex

I fucked 2 guys on my swim team one day after we won a team championship and they cream-pied the hell out of me. I had a crush on both of them since beginning of the school yeah so I was determined to have both of their cocks fill my fuck holes. The championship victory was a perfect celebration. “Hey Matt, you and Jonas should come to my room later on tonight for some fun.” “Alright cool, we will be there.” Hours later they walked into my room, and I was butt naked. “Damn girl.” Jonas shouted. “Oh, hell yeah! That’s what I’m talking about. Matt asked. “I want both of you to fuck me right now, that’s what’s going on.” I laid back on the bed and spread my legs wide open showing them my black wet pussy and putting my fingers inside of me. “This bitch a freak and I like it.” Jonas said unbuckling his pants heading towards the bed. He shoved his hard big black cock inside of me bare back. Four hard strokes and he came so quick. My wet tight pussy was no match for him. Matt walked up next and put his cock deep inside my pink pussy. He fucked me raw too. My pussy was creaming all over his cock. Moments later he was creampie-ing my black pussy. It felt so good to finally had accomplished my goal of fucking the two hottest guys on the swim team.


    • Job on April 10, 2022 at 10:56 am
    • Reply

    I was a swimmer and I never ran into any hot whores like you!

    • Landon on April 10, 2022 at 10:58 am
    • Reply

    I would like to swim in your pussy juice!

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