Strip Club Chub

Hot stripper sex

It never fails. We have a guy who shows up at the strip club every fucking day.  It wouldn’t be so bad if he bought lap dances, or a bottle every now and then, but he doesn’t.  He gets super drunk then wants you to grind on his lap for free.  We do talk to him, because we are made too, but if it wasn’t for the management making us, nobody would.  He spends tons of money on drinks, but not on ass. 

I was doing my set when I saw him come in.  Have you ever had someone in your life that the minute they walk into a room all the fun gets sucked right out?  That good feeling is then placed with dread and despair? Yeah, that’s Charlie.  You could almost hear us all groan over the music.  It was my turn to be grabbed over and over again by him.  He sat in my section.  I was not pleased.  I plastered on a smile and made my rounds.  I was pleasant, but I didn’t linger. 

Another thing about Charlie? He will get a hard on, then try to put your hand on it.  There have been more than one time that one of the bouncers have had to go over and speak to him.  We all wish he would be banned.  Then something amazing happened.  He told one of the bouncers that he wanted a lap dance.  With two of us girls.  Me and Sharon.  To say we were both shocked is an understatement.

We made our way up to the Private room he is was in, and he was smiling like crazy.  We both started our dance for him.  We aren’t allowed to make out with the clients, but we can touch each other.  Sharon started to kiss on my tits and Charlie instantly got hard.  He kept begging us to jack him off, but we both told him no.  It was against the club rules.  Her and I kept it up, then I guess he couldn’t take it anymore, he whipped out his dick and Sharon and I died laughing.

He had something other than his dick stuffed into his briefs, it was like some sort of rolled up material to make him look bigger.  His dick was so tiny!  In the low lighting I thought I was just not seeing it, but turns out there really isn’t anything to see.  Her and I laughed so hard she peed.  Charlie was so embarrassed, he stuffed his bean back inside his briefs and stormed out.  He actually left the club!  Our manager asked us what happened and we told him, he laughed too.  It has been days since Charlie has been in.  We are really hoping that he stays away, if we had known all it took was us laughing at his itty bitty dicklett, we would of done it a long time ago.

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