Sexy prostitutes

sexy prostitutes

I am with a girlfriend of mine and we are jonesing for some blow. We are strapped for cash so we strategize together on how to score. We head out to down town in hopes to hop on a corner. We are both dressed like complete whores.

We have short tight dresses on, super high heels, and make up on for days. Our first client rolls up and we hop in the car. He hands us the cash and I get to sucking his cock into my mouth. He is a big boy. His cock is about eight inches and his cum taste so yummy.

It is sticky and he likes it rough. His hand is pushing my head all the way down on his cock. I am sucking and tugging every drop of his pre cum into my mouth. He gets ready to blow, hands me an extra bill and blows his load all over my face. I guess since I was craving some blow, me blowing him and him blowing his load all over my face will have to do for now

Me and my girl hop out the car only to be met by two other dudes. We hope in their ride and they are craving to have our holes any way they want. I can not wait to take their meat sticks pressed up against my holes, fucking me stupid.

We both life our dresses, bend over and invite each guy to penetrate our booty holes!

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