Randi the scat queen

Cheap phone sex

I wanna shit on your fucking big thick cock. I want you to bend my little stupid whore ass over and take your cock and rub it against my little rosebud then start fucking me until I start pushing and shit just squirts out out all over your cock. I love being a fucking little toliet slut for you, letting you piss and fucking shit all over my cunt and inside of my cunt. I will be a good fucking whore and make sure I clean you up every fucking time you take a shit or piss. Wouldn’t you love to bend over and let me tongue fuck your shitty ass then you can make me suck that big fucking cock. I want you to piss, shit, and vomit in the toliet and then bury my fucking head in it until I can’t breath. I love being fucking nasty and filthy for you.

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