Porn Star Prostitutes

Prostitutes porn


Some of my regulars pay good money to make me and my hot ass prostitutes porn actresses.  Our prize winning pussies already cost those crazy cunt stuffers a pretty penny, but when they want to take pictures or shoot video of our backlot buttfucking sessions they’re going to have to shell out some serious shekels.  I don’t care if they’re keeping the footage for their own personal spank bank or want to spread our skanky slits all over the internet, that’s none of my concern.  Once they’ve paid me and my prossy posse properly they can do whatever the fuck they want with it.

You can probably find videos of us online now if you search for them.  Try “Caroline’s Crazy Creampie” or “Mandi’s Big Mack Attack,” I know those were pretty popular there for a while.  “Tranny Drains a Bunch of Truckers” is one of my personal favorites, those road weary wankers had my ladyboy dogpiled on the grass stretching her ass pussy out with their fat cocks.  She loved it and got fucking paid-paid-paid just for letting them record it all.

Documenting our dirty dick draining outings is no skin off my sack.  We make a shit ton of money from it and it’s probably pretty good advertising for my sexy sluts.  It just makes sense, really.


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