Phone Sex Line Drunkin Street Walker

Phones sex line

My boys are really starting to get to know me too well. Pump me full of enough alcohol and I will do just about anything that you suggest out of me. You may think that I am lying but I am telling the truth, scouts honor. I was drinking a bunch of tequila at a party and started to strip onto the counters. The guys were throwing dollar bills at me and I was shoving them into anything that I could. Including my cunt. That is when Eddie suggested I started making some real money. That meant that I needed to take my phone sex line ass to the corner and start to have some live phone sex with some Johns. That is what I did too. My drunk ass worked my way down to the corner where I waited for John after John sucking cocks for 15$. The guys thought it was a really great deal for them too. They thought they would act like my pimps for the night taking all the profits. Ass holes should know by now that I am the one who wants all the money.

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