Orgy Phone Sex is my addiction

orgy phone sex

Orgy phone sex became my addiction after my first orgy. It was me and my usual group of friends hanging out and having beers at my place. Me, my best friend Abby and four of our guy friends Marco, John, Otis, and Nathan. After a few drinking games for some reason Abby, who was drunk as hell sprawled our on my couch with her tit almost popping out of her low cut shirt, thought got the brilliant idea to play spin the bottle.
I was thinking aren’t we too old for that? We are all college students. But she insisted, complete with adorable whines and multiple utterances of “pretty please” so we all caved and sat on the floor in a circle.
It started out innocently enough for Abby’s first turn she kissed John. I think she cheated because she’s wanted him for a while. During my turn I got Otis. I’d never kissed a black guy before and his juicy lips felt like heaven, I’d hoped I’d land on him again soon. Next Nathan took his turn and things got even steamier. He grabbed the whipped cream off my kitchen counter and sprayed it on my neck to suck it off.
Abby laughed and said “Well, if we are going to change the rules then I can do this.” The grabbed the bottle and turned it towards me. Then crawled over to me straddling my torso and kissed me passionately with her perfect pillowy lips. Before I knew it her hands were under my bra squeezing and caressing my nipples and my body was tingling. I felt two hands on my respective breasts and two more reaching under my blue jean skirt to remove my panties. I looked down to see John had started to finger me. It was so wet you could hear the squishing noises as he glided in and out of me. Otis sat on the couch and watched for a moment before pulling out his bulbous black dick and jerking it. Abby got off of me and crawled over to him to slide his throbbing member down her throat. Nathan took her place on top of me by dipping his cock into my gaping mouth as I moaned with pleasure from the fingering and when I was dripping wet I felt the head of his member working it’s way inside me.
I took all four of their cocks in my mouth and pussy that night. And that’s how I had my first orgy.

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