My Naughty Phone Sex Line

phone sex lineMy phone sex line is just what you are looking for if you enjoy a dirty mom and a party girl. I don’t need to work. I do phone sex because I enjoy getting high and talking dirty. My husband and I went to an Alice Cooper show the other night. He got us VIP seats. Cooper shows are enjoyed more when doing lines of coke. A couple roadies were trying to get my attention from the VIP pit. My husband knew it too, but he likes it that other men want his wife. He told me to go see what they wanted. They took me back stage. They saw me doing coke off my compact mirror. They had some pure coke they wanted to share with a trashy milf. I was happy to do coke with two roadies while I listened to Alice Cooper jam to Feed My Frankenstein. I was about to feed two Frankensteins with my wet cunt. I was setting on some huge ass speaker that vibrated. My horny roadies shoved their dicks in my pussy at the same time. Guys were walking around back stage giving high fives to the boys for picking up a hot milf. I just wanted more of their blow. We have access to good coke, but I guess rock stars and their entourages get better dope than wealthy Californians. I told them they could gang bang my ass if I could take a little blow back to my husband. They had no problem with that. They fucked me good. A few other guys joined in. I fucked about a dozen roadies. I am no groupie though. I am just a whore. I went back to the pit to catch the last few songs of Alice Cooper’s set with cum dripping down my thighs. My husband knew what I had been doing. He kissed my forehead and told me I was the best trailer trash whore he has ever known.

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