Hot Pissing Sex

Pissing sexThere is something very erotic about pissing sex. Whether it is doing the pissing or receiving, that warm yellow liquid just makes things so much hotter. I love it when you want me to piss on you. The feeling of letting loose a stream of urine around a cock in indescribable. When your pussy is sloppy and wet during pissing sex everything moves and glides so well. Even the smells during  pissing sex turn me on. The smell is loud and pungent. Mixing the smells of urine and sex is amazingly sexy.

Put the cock of yours right here on my pussy, baby. Aim a big stream of that golden nectar at my clit. The feeling is unreal. Hold a little and let loose inside me. Let that urine flow deep inside my pussy. It is so warm and sexy. You know what I want next, don’t you? I want to bend over right here and spread my ass cheeks for you. Put that dick in me and give me a piss enema. Oh yeah baby, make me come from your piss.

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