Hookers for Hire: We Do In and Out Calls

hookers for hireHookers for hire will always be in demand, especially when jail bait. California is opening back up, but it has been challenging to get clients. Most of daddy’s big spenders were overseas clients that enjoyed a tender age slut when abroad for business. International flights are not back to normal yet. My oldest daughter had a brilliant idea. We should offer in-home massages since the massage parlors are still shut down in our county. Being the business savvy girl she is, she designed flyers and print ads and even developed a website. She added in that male masseuses were available too and that we provided an a la carte menu not found anywhere else. Most men who frequent happy ending massage parlors would understand what that meant. She just got her father and I to go along with a test week to try things out and once men discovered what was available on the a la carte menu, we have been slammed. Some men come to us. We do out calls to homes, offices and hotels. Even some ladies and a few men have wanted happy ending massages from my sons too. This endeavor has been more inclusive for the boys. We are making bank giving hand jobs, blow jobs and penetration massages. My little family of sexy prostitutes might put the happy ending massage parlors out of business because we offer much more discretion plus much younger professionals than you find even in the dirtiest of massage parlors.

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