Hooker Phone Sex with a 2 dollar ho!

Hooker Phone Sex

  Hooker phone sex for a two bit whore makes a bitch real hungry ! I had been working the corner for hours with no bites. I was jonesing pretty bad. I noticed a sleek black car with a well -dressed brotha inside. I hit the man up for a hit but he didn’t have any and offered me some Hennessey instead. I began to slur my speech  and flail my arms around.  He placed me on his lap  with my legs spread. He began to pull on my tits forcibly. I tried to pull on the door handle to get out but it was locked. I went to yell but then I felt the prick from a needle in my arm and my body slumped over.

    I swore I would never get as bad as Mama but I know I have her problem now. I decided to go visit Mama and turn some tricks to make some money. On the way I met my favorite John. He loved calling me names  and beating my black ass.

    I let his ram his cock in my mouth and call me whatever he wanted for $100.00. (Shit that motherfucker could have called me a Satan Worshipper for that kind of money!) Now he has been at my mama’s door like a little lost canine and Mama is feigning again. It won’t be long before I start jonesing again! That smack is so sweet and the temptation is oh so heavy! I will do whatever you say to get it!

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