Hardcore Orgy Porn Needs a Slutty MILF Like Me

hardcore orgy pornI never say no to hardcore orgy porn. Not even when I am the only female involved in the orgy. For a few years now, I have had a running gig at a frat house. This frat loves mature women. Most of the members come from money. Rich horny frat boys who want a sure thing. Nothing surer than a rent a milf, right? The faces change from year to year, but this gig is one I enjoy.

Before Covid, I went every Friday night during the school year. Although Covid benched the fun for a year, we got back into the swing of things. But lately the frat house has struggled with my fee. So, we went from every Friday to once a month. You want me to fuck you and about 40 of your closest friends, well that will cost. Hookers for hire don’t fuck for free. No matter how much we enjoy fucking.

This past Friday night the president asked if they could film our orgy. They want to use it for next year’s recruitment. I think they want to show potential pledges all they can look forward to if they join their frat. I added a small fee because I enjoyed the fact that my sexy body and skills could lure new pledges to the fraternity.

This MILF Love Being A Gang Bang Slut for Frat Boys

We have one more session booked for next month before summer break. The president promised to show me the finished video then. I love being filmed. My husband films me fucking our offspring all the time for his spank bank. So, I know the camera loves me. I went into gangbang whore mode when the camera turned on.

Down on all fours, I sucked cocked and fucked cock too. I know how to be a three-hole whore. Afterwards, I joked about needing knee pads, LOL. I did not expect college boys to be gentle on me. But 40 men fucked me. And some of them went twice!

But I hurt in a good way. My husband picked me up and got so turned on seeing me covered in cum, he fucked me in the car before we got home. Think you would love to fuck your wife after a frat gang bang too? I cannot wait to see the little orgy porn we made on my next visit to the Delta house.

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