Give me that Dick!

Teen Anal WhoreI’m back on the CB today trying to find someone who’s not a total fucking loser for once. I just wish these guys over the radio can see my bikini top and my ass just peaking out of my favorite cut off shorts. When I don’t wear panties (which I practically never do) you can totally see my pussy. You would think asking strangers if they want to empty their balls on my tits would get me some attention. Even at my favorite stop these days the guys driving in and out just won’t fucking go hard and dirty enough for what I want. How hard is it to get a guy to slap a girl begging for a dick in her ass? Just fucking cum on me and call me out on being the slut that I really am. Why isn’t it that the second they hear my voice over their speaker that just want to shut me the fuck up by choking me with their cocks?

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