Gangbang Whore

gangbang whore

I don’t think my neighbors like me because I’m black I heard him and a couple of his drinking buddies talking about it to behind the back of my house on summer night calling me nigger sluts and how they would show me my place one day. When I was taking the garbage out I asked if they wouldn’t mine keeping the noise down. One man turn around and said what did this nigger whore just say to me and in shock I turned around and the other screamed lets teach this whore a lesson and the third white man said get her Bill. I turned to run to my back door and close the door but Bill’s arm got caught I tired to fight them off but I was no match. Please don’t! Please stop I screamed as they held me down on said this will fix her up real good and he pulled out a needle and shot me up with the biggest dose of heroin he could give me with me O.D. slowly losing the will to fight back the back off of me and started ripped the clothes off me.  By the time they got me naked I was so high I floated out side of my body while they had there way with me flipping me back and forth up and down one right after the other one in my pussy the my ass the back to my pussy till they finally all circled around me and came all over me while laid limp and high and when they was done they all walked away and told me that right there is where I belong. Now every Tuesday we replay this sexual fantasy with bill and his friends just to keep me high during the week but what bill doesn’t know is i enjoy every minute of.


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