Games Played

Big dick sucker

When you know the game better than the guys who play it.  I have been handling these young dope boys for years even before I started using.  The power of the pussy is real and I know how to use mine.  These little young bangers think they doing something because I let them fuck me for free.  Nothing is free where I’m from.  While I’m sucking your dick with your pants down by your ankles.  You exposed all of your money and if you have what I need that night that too.  I can suck you until you start to cry I’m good at what I do.  The whole time stuffing my pussy with your loot.  By the time you realize what happened sweetie I’m already gone.  Then you don’t know if it was me or your home boy, but you won’t say a crack whore worked you for your stash and cash by sucking your dick.  Like I said I’ve been playing the game you won’t catch me but I got you. 

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