Furry friends phone sex

furry friends phone sex

Feeling like I needed to get high, I went to go visit my drug dealer to see what I needed to do to score some free drugs. Once I got to his nasty little shack he greeted me and told me about his current dilemma. You see my drug dealer who I can’t name or he will kill me told me that his furry friend wasn’t really happy. As I looked at the little dude he seemed unhappy and just the saddest little thing I had seen in a while.

His large eyes were just gazing up at me, and his huge wide tongue just laid on the carpet. So I made a deal with the dealer, if I could change the way his buddy munchie was feeling and made him happy he would have to hook it up.  He agreed so I got on all four’s. and began to rub munchies little red cock. His eyes looked at me and I could tell munchie needed some “loving”.

I began to stroke his skinny red cock up and down making it grow in size. The more I stroked his cock up and down the more excited munchie became. I began sucking his cock in my mouth letting his little red rocket precum all inside of my mouth.  The more I licked and sucked the more happy he became , his little leg began to go crazy, kicking up and down since this was probably the best he had felt in a while. I looked at the dealer and he just smiled since his friend was coming back to life, he wasn’t as sad as he was earlier.

Once I was satisfied with  sucking his red rocket, I decided to lay down exposing my wet bald cunt. I grabbed munchies wet precummed cock and guided it inside of me. His skinny slimy cock just slid right in with out a problem, I kind of helped him fuck me by moving his hips back and forth and by the looks of things he is a really fast learner. He started fucking me on his own. I guess he must of been really horny since he didn’t stop fucking my wet pussy for an hour. He kept penetrating my wet cunt over and over again until finally he came all inside of me.

The dealer looked at munchie afterwards and he was in total bliss that his friend was feeling like him self again. Munchie was full of energy running all over the shack, I learned why they call him munchie. Since he can really munch on a pussy, he ate my wet cunt so well I came three times.

Well I went up to the dealer and told him since I gave him my treat how about you give me mine. Today was a success for the most part the best part was helping munchie be the best furry friend one could ask for. 

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