Fuck Me Boots

Dirty phone sex

Ever since I lost my nursing license, I have had to get more creative with how to make money. So I began stripping on the weekends. Being the kinky nasty girl that I am the vanilla customers are a turn off. I like the perverts with deviant behaviors. I have found that dressing a certain way attracts these men. So tonight I have on a pair of black thigh high latex boots. I know how hard the sight of my boots makes your cock. You long to worship my boots and my hot wet pussy. Your a fuck me boots boy. You want to smell, kiss, and lick my sexy boots. But most of all you crave for me to fuck your tight puckered ass with the 7 inch stiletto heel of my boot. As you are down on your hands and knees and I am shoving the stiletto heel of my boot in and out of your ass. You scream harder as your tugging and rubbing your hard throbbing cock. I practically cram the whole heel of my boot up your hot ass causing your cock to explode and blow its load.

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