Freaky Phone Sex Fantasy Tranny

I love getting off with some freaky phone sex. I have the best freaks as lovers too. I had a good run with two of my favorite freaks getting our own freak on. I love to get high and fuck them. My favorite little sissy is always a blast. I love getting that man fucked up and taking advantage of him. He has a vulnerability and I milk it. He loves tranny girls and is in love with me. I can’t blame him, tbh. I have great tits, and I can party like nobodies business. Really it ain’t nobodies business what I do, nor who I do. I was pulling a train the other night and man some pencil dick neighbor called the pigs on me. I really wanted that copper to be my cum receptacle and I urged him to come back after his shift. I would still be awake and partying and I know he could use a little let loose. I know an interested party when I see one and boy was he interested. I had the man in blue return in just his street clothes and he was looking every bit a tasty treat for me. I knew he would be hung, I could tell. He was throbbing for me and a very willing bottom. Most pigs are bottoms. They are busy asserting so much testosterone at work that they need to lay back. He laid back and took my knight stick like a good ass fucked bottom always does.

Freaky phone sex

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