Druggy Porn Star For Daddy’s Habit

I am daddy’s druggy porn star. I always have been. I am older now, but he still pimps me out. I get a bigger cut of the money now that I am over 18. I have an expensive crack habit and I need money too. Daddy has an expensive coke habit. He has never worked an honest day in his life. He has never had a real job, then neither have I. I am a black whore. White men love me. When I was little, daddy pimped me out to the white men in the neighborhood who had jungle fever for jailbait pussy. I never complained much because I have been addicted to crack and cock since I was just a tyke. Last night, daddy paid me a visit. It was unexpected and he brought friends. He wanted me to be a gangbang whore for some rich white dudes because he owed some niggers some money. Everyone knows a black dude won’t pay for pussy unless it is white pussy. He showed my pics around to a few white guys and they wanted my dark cunt and ass. Daddy said he would toss me a few hundred bucks and I got down on all fours and let those white old perverts drop their cum in my fuck holes. After I was covered in cum, Daddy and I got high and fucked. I will always be Daddy’s fucked up little girl.

Druggy porn

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