Druggy Phone Sex with the side effects of cumming

Druggy Phone Sex

Sex on drugs. They tell you to never do it. I beg to differ.

Cause sex is just sex. Anyone can do it. But sex while you’re higher than senator’s socks has a different feel. It’s different with each drug too.

Like weed. Weed must makes everything feel better. For when your making pound cake in the fuck oven, or when you wanna give her your fully creamed cannoli. Cause you know that bitch is gonna get the munchies anyways.

Not a stoner? Get some of that booger sugar and snort on up. Coke makes me just edge out those orgasms. Keeping my pussy wet the entire time. Plus I end up taking more risks with my other fuck hole.

Ecstasy takes a special place in my heart, as it’s my drug of choice. Pop a pill or two of that and put some lube down. And just roll in that. Touching every part of your body, touching mine. Playing with the mud flaps of my cunt, I get to stroke your fuck stick.

Drugs just make everything better.


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