Druggy Phone Sex Orgy

druggy phone sexI love druggy phone sex. Saturday nights are party nights. Every night is a party night for me though. I do not have too many days where I do not get high. Last night, I stayed in. Now, I was not alone. I had some neighbor guys stop by to fuck and party. I had plans to work but I was having too much fun fucking and doing lines off cocks. It started with me and a couple trailer park boys, but some how world of mouth got out that I was giving away my pussy and ass for free. I am a whore. Of course, I was giving it up for free. Now, if guys wanted to bring me some coke, or weed or even booze, I am not going to say no. I am a trailer trash whore. I spread for just about anything. After a couple hours, I realized I had more men in my trailer than capacity. The fire marshal would not be happy with me, but no one was reporting me. Men were getting free cunt and ass. I become a nasty freak in the sheets when I am high. I let men put a couple cocks in a hole at a time. I love getting quadruple penetrated. It was a mix of guys. Black and white, old and young. I think by 4 am I had every man in the trailer park in my little trailer running a train on me. I had cum oozing out of my ass and pussy. My face was covered in coke and cum. I had chunks of cum in my blonde locks too. I woke up this morning in my bed with 6 guys. My trailer looked like a hurricane came through it. I looked at my phone, and apparently, I made a few druggy porn flicks too. At least with the videos I was able to piece together what a whore night I had.


    • HANK on May 16, 2022 at 1:00 am
    • Reply


    • Joseph on May 17, 2022 at 5:00 pm
    • Reply

    I will take you up on that train ride

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