I took baby girl to the mall today, and we had a BLAST shopping. It was when we had to go to the restroom that we came across a little issue. There was a BIG line in the ladies room, and neither of us thought we could wait out that line, so we decided to sneak into the men’s room. I gave her the stall closest to the door and took the next one. No sooner had I dropped my pants and straddled that disgusting seat than a cock appeared in a hole I hadn’t noticed before. Well, you know me and cock, I finished peeing, wiped, and then bent down and layed my mouth and tongue on that cock. I sucked and licked from one end of it to the other. At the same time, I rapped gently on the wall to the stall my daughter was in. She peeked und and saw what was going on. I unlocked my door, and in she waltzed, and she took my place, licking and slopping all over that cock. I walked around and knocked on his door. He hesitated, but finally relented and let me in. The shock on his face was priceless. I pushed him out of the glory hole and onto the toilet. From that point on, baby girl and I took turns riding him until he gave up that glorious jizz. What a day!