Cum eating phone sex

Cum eating phone sexHi there Handsome I’m Hazel. I’m a sweet, fun,loving librarian with a dirty little secret. I may present as innocent but I’m a cum chasing slut! Hell even on my shift I’m being bent over and fucked ferociously against a bookcase. Don’t worry no one’s the wiser I keep my stroll for cock to myself. They can’t even tell I’m high every time I come in anyways. So of course they have no clue I’m a proud cum dumpster. Or that I go looking for balls to drain on my lunch break. Not to mention the amount of cock that goes in my ass daily on my days off. I am the slut ur mama told you to stay away from but you simply just can’t resist. Don’t expect anything less than hard core fucking when it comes to me I’m talking double penetration and vicious face fucking. I love to party hard and be showered with cum right after. I want you to be my master and let me please you every way I know how and more. I wanna bounce this phat ass all over that thick cock daddy! Wanna play?Extreme Phone sex

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