Creampie sex stories from a Anal Cum Dumpster

Creampie sex stories

Im a cum hungry Slut and Creampie sex stories are my addiction! I Need cum on a daily I cant get enough of that sweet hot load a man releases in all my holes. I know too much of anything can be a bad thing but I cant resist. The taste and the feel makes my entire body vibrate. 

My absolute favorite part is When I lay my head back and You have your hand under my chin keeping my mouth wide open as you dip your cock in and out of my mouth hitting the back of my throat. I can feel your cock throb viciously as your about to explode down my throat. My pussy begins to gush and cream from the anticipation of that sweet load landing all over my face and in my mouth. I relish in being your personal cum dumpster and having multiple men shove their cocks in all my holes and take me to pound town! Having each of them release their load all over my body.

Can I be your little play thing daddy? I want to drain your balls until you cant take it anymore!


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