Crack whore anal

crack whore anal

I am having so much fun tonight. I invited my dealer over because I am needing some blow. He comes over and I open my door completely naked and invite him in. Did I mention I am out of cash? I guess my method of pay will have to be my holes. He comes in and we line up a couple of lines. Fuck, it hits the spot so fucking good. I am not even talking about his cock just yet.

I get my fix and drop to knees and unleash his cock and suck it right into my throat. I make sure to pump him deep and hard into my throat. I am going to fuck his cock so deep down my throat until my throat is raw. I can taste his ropy pre cum and it is salty but still delicious. I take my mouth off of his cock and turn around on my hands and knees. I wiggle my ass from side to side offering whatever hole he wants.

He takes his cock and grabs my ass back. He fucks his cock into my ass hole. He pushes every inch of him inside of me. I line up some more lines and suck them through my nostrils as his cock is ramming in and out of my pink tight fuck hole. I love feeling his cum filled fat balls slapping up against my pussy lips. I can not help cumming over and over again.

Speaking of blow, he is going to blow a fat creamy thick load right into my gaped ass hole. That thick cock is twitching inside of me as it sprays cum all inside of me. Fuck, I hope since I let him get anal and cream me that I can score some extra powder.



    • Jason on March 18, 2018 at 5:42 pm
    • Reply

    Baby girl I got whatever you need.

    • Kyle on March 23, 2018 at 2:52 pm
    • Reply

    I love a trashy slut

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