BBC Phone Sex Stories

bbc pone sexBBC phone sex stories are something I have plenty of to share. I am not just a black cock whore. I am a whore. But those black cocks are supreme. Normally, I get my big black cocks at the truck stop. The other night I crossed the train tracks and was in the wealthy part of town. I wanted to go to this new upscale club. I know I am not upscale, but I cleaned up as good as I could and took my skank ass to the new club. The security dude was a brother. I don’t think he was going to let me in until I blew him in the ally. I got some looks when I went into the club. Some good looks, some not so good looks. I could tell people didn’t think I belonged, but I never let that stop me from having fun. I sat at the bar, bought a drink and flirted with the black bartender. This bitch faced girl sat next to me and told me to leave. I tried to ignore her, but she got in my face. The problem was the hot black bartender was her boyfriend. I was not the only one with jungle fever in the club. It was mostly white young yuppies. Many metrosexual men. The bartender set the record clear. She was his ex-girlfriend. Game changer for me. I kissed him and fondled his huge package. Best way to get rid of a psycho ex-girlfriend is to fuck another girl in front of her. He took a break and we went into a private room. She didn’t follow us, but she was waiting for us when we returned. He fucked the shit out of me. Made me walk funny. His cum was running down my leg, some was matted on my face. I sat back down at the bar and kissed her. “His cum tastes better on me, bitch,” I said. He let me drink the rest of the night for free for taking care of his crazy ex problem. A trailer trash whore is no match for some privileged spoiled bitch.

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