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white trash phone sex

The name is Aurora and white trash phone sex is my game. You see this piece in front of you is open to anything and everything. I will drink, smoke, gamble away money and my pussy, will do any form of drugs and still want to fuck anything with a prick. In fact I had a party the other night and after doing some weed and vodka first we then brought out the coke. Each of the people there took a couple of hits and then it was on. I specifically ensured that I would be the only woman there and it played into my favor. I had a hard cock in each hand and one going to town in my mouth. Soon I was layed onto the floor and had a cock worming its way into my asshole and another into my pussy. I was in fuck heaven. As soon as one pulled out another was there to take its place. After I had gotten a load from each they took me out front, pushed me onto my knees and then circle pissed all over me. What a great way to end the night but covered in hot piss and high as fuck! Next time we party are you in?

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