Anal Sex Whore Does Karaoke Night

Anal sex whoreI went to karaoke night last night at one of the local bars. I sang my heart out, and apparently I caught the attention of one hottie at the bar. He caught up to me after my set, and asked to buy me a drink. I let him, and his hand found my hard shaft under the bar. The surprised recognition crossed his face first, then I could see the lust almost double. He led me out to the full dance floor and started dancing with me. By the time the next song started, his cock was buried in my ass from behind as he held me tight and close. His hand reached around and pushed my cock down so it pointed toward the floor. He started jacking me off through my dress, pumping up and down. It felt a-fucking-mazing!!! He fucked me through 2 more songs right there on the dance floor. Then, I took him home with me, and he spent the entire night showing me every position and idea in his repertoire. I am sincerely hoping that he comes back around. He was so much fun!

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