Anal Cum Dumpster at Any Age

anal cum dumpsterI love being an anal cum dumpster. I do not understand why more women do not give up their assholes. I have been training my little angels how to be anal whores since they were schoolgirls. I like to train girls with my dildos until they are ready for the real thing. I am always careful when they are young not to ruin their assholes, because men pay good money for that privilege. My youngest daughter is adopted. She is technically the daughter of my maid’s then teen daughter. We agreed to a private adoption because the girl was too young to raise a little girl and the parents were too old to raise another young one again. We have given the girl a good life and now it is time to start paying us back by being one of our sexy prostitutes for hire. I have been training her little butthole for an impending date this week. Her first. I have not trained her pussy since the man is paying bank for virgin holes. I can sell a virgin asshole a few times, but only a virgin cunt once. She is ready to give some guy the daddy experience. I just wanted to prep her asshole first. I have been using my smallest dildo on her baby butthole since she is so young still. Daddy cannot wait to fuck her. She is already a cock sucking pro, but daddy likes the money that Lolita virgins bring us, so he holds up fucking the merchandise until they are a used commodity. This girl may be an anal pro before she even gets her first dick in the ass. She backs her ass up on my dildo and giggles and purrs like a seasoned anal sex whore. The man that bought her virginity is going to have a great time with our youngest whore.


    • Joseph on November 25, 2021 at 3:53 pm
    • Reply

    Fucking hell that’s hot

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