A Cum Guzzling Slut and Her Daughters

cum guzzling slut

I am a cum guzzling slut. My daughters are too. Their father and I have raised them on a daily diet of protein. Girls need to have a healthy appreciation for jizz as soon as they are crawling around. I have been a jizz junkie since I can remember. When I was my parents’ cash cow living in a dingy trailer, I was chugging back cum like it was beer. I never once spit it out. I may not have liked being pimped out by my parents, but I learned early that making a man feel like his cum is the only thing you ever want to drink for the rest of your life, is an important skill to possess. It was how I snagged my wealthy sugar daddy husband. He was one of the clients that paid my parents for my jailbait pussy. I was young, but wise beyond my years. I set my sites on my husband and I manipulated him into rescuing me from the backwoods of West Virginia. I am teaching my daughters the same skills. Having a cum filled cunt and belly full of semen, yet begging for more, makes men putty in a girl’s hands. Men are not as complex as they like to think they are. My girls drain daddy’s balls daily. They also drain the balls of daddy’s paying clients. My girls don’t want for anything. They will never want for anything if they are cum guzzlers. So many women could be like me and my girls, living high on the hog, if they just loved cum. What is not to love anyway? It is full of protein and swallowing it makes money and things magically appear. If you have some sluts in your house that need cum trained, let me know. I have trained my girls to be the best cum whores around. Well, second best to me of course.

cum filled cunt

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